Jukendo is a type of martial arts that has its roots in stabbing with spears. In matches, the competitor with 2wins is declared as the winner. Our Jukendo team was formed by newly started members in 2022. We have coaches from other teams instruct us leading to our success. Having Professor Miyaoka from the faculty of law as our principle, we are figuring out difficulties in running the club. We practice 2times a week in Hiyoshi, occasionally in Mita and in long vacations, we organize training camps. As a team, we aim to win the championship games. Jukendo is a martial art that many people start after 18years old, leading for many beginners to play in tournaments. It makes it possible for you to have a higher chance to win. You can have interactions with various people due to the practices with the other teams. We are waiting for you to join our team!
Activity Information
Activity Days
Tue / Fri / Other
Irregular events will be held separately at the Minato Ward Sports Center upon request.
Activity Locations
Joint practice with Hiyoshi, Mita, National Defense Academy Jukendo club about 2 times, irregular practice at Takeyama Garrison
(Yagami Small Gymnasium, Minato Sports Center)
Activity Base
Yearly Schedule
Spring (Apr. - Jun.)
All Japan Jukendo Championship Tournament
Summer (Jul. - Sep.)
Autum (Oct. - Dec.)
Winter (Jan. - Mar.)
Busy Period
Around August, around October
About Members
Number of Members
2 people
Number of Members by Years
3rd year: 2 people
Number of Members by Campuses
Hiyoshi / Mita / Yagami:6 people
Gender Ratio
Male:Female = 100:0
Ratio of Joining Multiple Clubs
Admission Cost
Yearly Cost
¥10,000 (including enrollment fee for the first year)
(Collected every semester)
Instrumental Cost
Training Camp Cost
*Equipments can be rented
Information of Admission
Admission Limit
Admission Condition
Accept Non-newcomers
How to Join
Contact new huan account